Monday, August 24, 2015

Look Up

Colossians 3:2 set your affection on things above, not on the things on the earth. 

Are you looking up? Usually when we are in need, we are thinking of God praying to God and hopefully looking up! But what about when everything seems to be going perfectly? I wouldn't ever go as far to say my life is perfect. Ever. Not even close. I love my life and all the things in it, but spiritually I need a lot of work, I'm sure I always will. I still have times though that everything seems to go just right, I'm happy and good things are coming my way, but. Those are the most dangerous times, don't get caught off guard and find yourself focusing on all your earthly treasures. Focus on things above. 
No matter what circumstances we are in we need to LOOK UP! Remember what Jesus did for us, and most of all pray that you're staying in Gods will for you. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Committed Like Ruth

Ruth Chapter 1 

Ruth made a big commitment to her mother-in-law after both of their husbands had passed. A commitment to stay with Naomi and to trust in her God. The world we live in now is much different than back then but we still have many commitments. 
Ruth stayed true to her commitments, have we stayed as true to ours? 

Make a list of all your commitments and promises -- in all areas of life.
Now go through and check all the ones you have 100% stayed true to.
If I'm being completely honest I don't feel like I'm 100% committed to everything on my list. It's not easy to be completely committed to things, but no one said it would be! 

Ruth never questioned her mother-in-law, she did everything she asked of her, because of that they were both blessed. Ruth was able to provide food for both of them, she soon got married and had a son, whom became the grandfather of Judah's greatest King, David!

Keep your list with you and do your best to stay true!